18 year old me and 24 year old me and two completely different people, but I wouldn’t have changed anything because every experience I had, both good and bad, got me to the person that I am today! However, there are quite a few lessons I’ve learnt over the years, and if it were possible to talk to my younger self, these are the 5 lessons and advice I would give. What life lessons do you wish you knew at 18?
“You need to go through life lessons, go through struggles and have bad days so you know the good days” 2:15
Advice #1: It’s OK to follow your passions… 2:55
My life growing up: Drama classes and pushing my creativity away 5:30
Choosing law as my career. “...I wouldn’t go back to Uni if someone paid me!” 6:50
“I was miserable, but I thought that was normal…” 8:28
Finding happiness and fulfillment by following my heart. No regrets! 9:30
Advice #2: The grass is greener where you water it 12:35
My relationship with Tim. “I had such high expectations…” 14:15
Water your own grass! “A Relationship is not an end destination, you have to constantly be working on it.” 15:42
It just gets better and better 17:00
Advice #3 Stop going against my body & letting my physical appearance rule my life 17:07
“Losing 5 kilos, gaining it back, hating myself, binge eating, starving myself…. It took up so much time and energy” 17:29
...get over this obsession with how you look! There’s bigger goals to crush.18:30
Working on myself… #selflove practices that you can do too. 19:15
“If they don’t like you, that’s not a reflection on you that’s a reflection on them” 23:26
Advice #4 No one really has it figured out. It is OK to fail. 24:08
Oprah chats. I love Oprah, be more like Oprah! 25:03
Life is messy… Anything good doesn’t come easy. 26:04
Advice #5 Don’t be afraid to fail. 26:30
Failures and losses are important life lessons. 28:05
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