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Becoming a 7 figure company in 9 months 🤯 All your Q’s about Naked Harvest answered with Co-founder & my brother Coopa Stevenson

Today I am joined by my brother, business partner and co-founder of NH - Coopa Stevenson. This ep has been highly requested by you all, we were asked so many Q’s, so today’s ep we spill the beans on all the things you want to know about NH. We dive deep into our marketing strategy, our business plan, how we started NH, how the idea was born, about our team and our top tips to managing them, all about Coopa and I’s working relationship and basically all the ins and outs of the business. There was an absolute overflow of Q’s so stay tuned for part 2. Listen in to hear our top tips on building a business from the ground up. Enjoy x 

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